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Thunder on the rails, the evil train storms by,
Black as the soul of satan, steam painting the dark night sky,
Wheels singing the song of ringing steel, air tainted by fire’s breath,
Forging, forcing, driven on, drawn by the scent of death –

Over the mountains, over the seas, climbing to great height,
Pummelling clouds, spreading fear, a fierce and fiery sight,
Collecting the souls of evil ones as they slip from their last great sleep,
Thrashing limbs and writhing tongues, oh, listen to them weep! –

And the train speeds on and the darkness grows and screams rent the foetid air,
Pain and grief and tortured eyes describing their black despair,
For evil’s come for evil and there is no place to hide,
The tunnel of black looms up ahead for the evil ones who’ve died,

And the train in its grim death journey takes souls to the gates of hell,
And the blast from its echoing whistle is matched by its clanging bell,
And the terror of the damned leaves a trail of fog behind,
Curdling, ebbing, flowing, like the gasps of an evil mind,

And the resonant call of that whistle mocks their pitiful fear,
The darkness draws around them, the tunnel is too near,
And the pounding pistons sing with glee, a thunderous choir of the cursed,
And the gates of hell are opening, and the damned can see the worst …

Sept. 2011


Sleep, sleep the silent night,
The moon up high and the stars so bright,
A frost on the grass in the gathering chill,
The trees half-asleep and the air so still,

And dreams of the day in your darling head,
Snug and warm in your cosy bed –

Soft, soft, your spirit flies,
Leaving this Earth, touching the skies,
Wandering worlds where the day is still young,
And everything’s beautiful under the sun.

June 2011

Slip into sunshine,
Between the shrieks and calls of this strange creature
Bellowing for the wild wind in the moors and the boulders of its desolation turned to grim night,
And the sharp-tongued explosion of its vicious anger
Switched to unstable –

Take a breath,
Remain calm,
Stand at a distance –
Observe …

You do not need this.


A turmoil of bluster,
Rocketing nonsense, self-justification,
Eternal victim,
‘It’s your fault!’
‘I hate you!’
‘It’s not fair!’


No river could tear so ferociously at the gorge walls containing it,
The lakes are up ahead, darling,
And the seas,
But you’re not there,
The river has to be a little wider and stronger before it’s set free.


Teenage daughter pushing boundaries. 🙂

It’s in the building that the job comes alive –
The hammering of nails, the grasping of wood rough-handed,
The wind and chill atop a roof,
Snow blowing free across the fields in a striding mass that whirls and encompasses,
Striking through the skin to exhilarate the heart,
Each man to himself,
Wrapped in elemental Nature
Together against the world.

It’s in the building that the job comes alive –
How on a sunny day cement tangs the air,
Water puddles the ground,
A bee blows past –
And in that moment
The contrast with the earth and heavy labour is so sweet, so sour,
That life is held at the point of a pendulum unresolved,
About to fall.


Feeling alive doing building work.

My golden girl
Sings to the stars
With a voice like the winds
And love deep in her heart;

My golden girl
Wrestles with life,
Dreams high dreams
And fights with fire in her eyes;

My golden girl
Whispers at night
To the children she loves,
Guarding their lives;

My golden girl
Has a place that’s just hers
In the depths of her mind
Where the sunshine can play;

My golden girl
Is battered by life
But loves living and joy
And embraces each day.

For my wife, and the spirit within

Your legs become at one with the ice,
Warmth that flows into the cold –

The ice, the friendly ice, has many faces:
Smooth like sheened gossamer it takes the blade like water,
Like the kiss of a lover’s lip or a child’s soft touch,
A caress that runs deep,
That gives power and grace and precision
And above all, speed –
On such ice skaters sing in their movements and their smiles are pure joy,
Their moments are a nothingness
And they become pure in their existence;
Wherever they are, they’re alive,
They are themselves
And their lives are like water,
Fluid in the living.

On other ice the blade sinks too deep and everything is effort:
The smiles remain but this is a time for learning, not dancing.

To learn!
Ah, to learn …
Pushing to the limits, each skater finds themselves tested:
Beyond the test comes transcendence,
And the code for living life.

Feelings and the mind are everything,
Where the mind goes the body follows –
They carry their treasure without knowing.

To skate, then, with these angels of the moment
Is to be in heaven!


The rich became poor:
In Africa the refugees were given no shelter –
Their welcome ran dry twenty years ago,
A hundred years,
The burden of slavery and exploitation unforgiven.

The marching hordes were turned away,
Fired on,
The hunger in their eyes met with bullets,
The rags on their feet torn off,
Their useless watches and finery dropped by the roadside –
So much empty garbage.


The fruit of years of silence and blind eyes turned to suffering was fear and hatred.

The storms had driven the masses south,
The switched Gulf Stream and the rising waters
Forcing them to flee.
It was a desperate strategy,
It was pain,
It was the damned seeking redemption,
The hand servants of the apocalypse
Wailing out their lives in futility.

No going back:
Death had arrived.

Africa, of course, was next,
The droughts and the winds tearing out the heart of that fine continent.

The refugees from the North had merely been the oratorio
Leading the funeral of all mankind.

Pity, then, the hopes that were trodden on,
The possibilities squandered,
The truths ignored,
The realities denied so long ago.


Imagining the rich West collapsing and the population attempting to migrate to Africa

Everyone grows up, and your adventure is just beginning –
Manhood beckons the child, and the child sighs,
And the comfort of the years brings sadness to his eyes,
For who wants to leave love and family?

But love goes beyond walls
And though inside I cry
I tell him gently that I understand,
And tell him I love him when he says, ‘I’m going to miss you.’

Oh, for the wisdom of the heavens,
And the wide stretch of the stars,
And a land where no pain exists and all is light!

But here there are shadows and my heart breaks,
And so I dream and hope a little,
And fancy myself to the future,
And – fighting – accept, and nudge him to a smile,
And try, between us, to make his world a better place.


Every child gets to an age when the realisation that they’re going to have to leave home one day hits them.

With a scamper of knitted legs
She heads for sanctuary,
Pretends to be busy, refuses first-rate,
Grows wanton, despairing,
Shakes me off in heat,
Shouts and cries, creates a splendour
(So that everybody looks),
Flings fists and feet, bursts into tears inconsolable
As I lift in my gentle arms her forced weight,
And thumps her head into my neck crook
With a tight-wrenched arm that buries her face
All flooded and sheened, snot-nose wiped clean
In my hair, there to console her imagined dreams
In the smell of man
Who comforts as best I can
Sobbing sorrow all staggered in grief,
A heart-burst exclamation of wild-eyed childhood,
Abandoned, lost,
Deep hurt, deep sleep, release –

She tires in an instant,
Before a half-chattered sigh escapes her lips,
Snug warmth-breath curses a kiss
On my cheeks……………

What bliss is this
That she remains so calm ? –
Her storm is done for the moment
As I look on in disbelief.

June 1999

The hurt of our adopted daughter as a toddler, running away and then bursting into tears, throwing a tantrum and eventually allowing herself to be comforted. She had lovely little knitted leggings on … little sweetheart ….

This woman walks down the road

(With a blank face of despair)

Towards me

(That can only be painted on by failure)

Following a dog

(And erased at night time)

That was her only friend

(When, maybe, she dreams -)

That shits at my gate,

(And the face, the shell)

From a house

(Cracks open to release)

That’s cold

(A spirit)

And always shut up

(And a human)

And this woman

(In all its warmth)

Never says a word

(Ready to make friends)

But looks down

(And travel this world)

Averting her gaze from me

(And this woman)

In case I notice

(Dare not look)

And try to be friends.

(In case I make friends).



The public and private face of a woman.


Have two people taking it in turns to read it, one reading the plain text, one reading the text in brackets.

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